ESPRAS Meetings
ESPRAS European Meetings
ESPRAS currently holds a Pan-European Congress every four years which is titled the “Quadrennial ESPRAS Congress”. In addition ESPRAS contributes to national meetings with sessions or full days. A Council of Delegates takes place on alternate years with elections for the next term.
ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress
- 2026 16th ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress in Bern, Switzerland, September 3rd to 5th Congress President: Dirk Schaefer
- 2022 15th ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress in Porto, Portugal, October 5th to 7th, Congress President: Horacio Costa
- 2018 14th Limassol Cyprus, October 23rd to 27th, Congress President: Giorgios Psarras
- 2014 13th ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 6th to 11th Congress President: Chris Khoo
- 2009 12th ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress in Rhodes, Greece, September 20th to 26th, Congress President: Yiacoumettis
- 2005 11th ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress in Vienna Austria, August 30th to September 2nd Congress President: Manfred Frey
- 2001 10th ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress in Rome, Italy September 16th to 21st Congress President: Scuderi
- 1997 8th ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress in Lisbon, Portugal, June 22nd to 25th, Congress President: Amaral
- 1993 7th ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress in Berlin, Germany, June 2nd to 5th, Congress President: Wolfgang Mühlbauer
- 1989 6th ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress in Istanbul, Turkey, September 3rd to 6th, Congress President: Güler-Gürsu
- 1985 5th ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress in Stockholm, Sweden June 16th to 20th, Congress President: Johannson
- 1981 4th ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress in Athens, Greece, May 10th to 14th, Congress President: Polycratis
- 1977 3rd ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress in The Hague, Netherlands, May 22nd to 27th, Congress President: Huffstadt
- 1973 2nd ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress in Madrid, Spain, May 21st to 25th, Congress President: Vilar-Sancho
- 1969 1st ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress in Brighton, UK, June 15th to 19th, Congress President: Watson
ESPRAS at National Congresses
- ESPRAS " A Day in Sarajevo" in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 20th September 2024
- ESPRAS " A Day in Paris" with elections of new ExCo and Board of Directors term 2025/2026 in Paris, France 22nd November 2024
European Leadership Forum
- 4th European Leadership Forum in Munich, Germany "Stronger together in Europe March 23rd to 25th 2023
- 3rd European Leadership Forum "Help for Ukraine" March 22nd 2022
- 2nd European Leadership Forum "Plastic Surgery- Honouring its Rich History and Achieving its Right Status" March 19th 2021
- 1st European Leadership Forum "More Impact - TOGETHER" October 2nd 2020
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