Mini Fellowships

ESPRAS Exchange Program (EEP) Mini Fellowships

Aim of the ESPRAS Exchange Program (EEP) is to create an educational network of the different institutions in Plastic Surgery in order to improve and to facilitate students and residents exchanges throughout Europe.

European residents or students (5th and 6th year residents) have the possibility to apply directly through this platform in order to visit different Plastic Surgery Centres for a short period in Europe.

A list of centres available in Europe is available when opening the drop down menu, with several other information which can lead the resident to choose the most suitable Plastic Surgery:

All facilities which would like to join the program, in order to host residents or students, will be listed and visible on this site.

Length of the stay for the mini-fellowships could range from 2 to 5 days, depending from the residents/students interests and from the centres availability.
ESPRAS will sponsor up to 20 mini fellowships per year with an amount of 250.- € for applicants whose national society has paid the ESPRAS membership dues in the requested period.

An ESPRAS review board with members of the Executive Committee (ExCo), will evaluate the requests received, considering curriculum vitae, a list of publications and research performed by the candidate, a list of meetings and workshops attended and previous visits to other department.

Main goal of this exchange program is to speed up the exchanges between the different countries in Europe, making applications and connections faster and more feasible for residents and students.

Fellowship Rules

  1. The purpose of the ESPRAS fellowship is to provide the fellow with the opportunity to study the art, science, and skills of plastic surgery from excellent teachers and mentors.
  2. ESPRAS FELLOWSHIP programs are intended for trainees that are in the last year of training or have completed their training within two year of the application in a country that is a member of ESPRAS
  3. The applicant must be a citizen of a country that is a member of ESPRAS and the country must have paid their membership dues.
  4. The fellowship is for up to three months preferably in an EBOPRAS accredited center in Europe.
  5. Each selected fellow will be provided with a stipend of 1000 Euros per month.
  6. The application is made electronically on the ESPRAS webpage and must be received by June of each year.
  7. The application must contain:
    • a letter of support from the head of the applicant’s department
    • a curriculum vitae
    • a list of publications and research performed by the candidate
    • a list of meetings and workshops attended and previous visits to other departments
    • contact details
    • the candidate’s preferred unit where they wish to spend their fellowship
    • It is recommended that the candidate provides one more letter of recommendation from a second registered plastic surgeon
  8. Four fellowships are usually awarded per year of which one is for scientific research in the field of plastic surgery. After completion of a structured and transparent application and review process, the three best qualified candidates will be awarded the fellowship by the Fellowship Committee.
  9. The fellowship program must commence within the calendar year for which it is awarded
  10. The allotted stipend will be given to the fellow in monthly installments. It is dependent on positive feedback from the Head of the Department the fellow is visiting within one month of commencement.
  11. After completion of the fellowship the fellow must provide written feedback describing the course of the fellowship, new things learned, and give suggestions where it could be improved.
  12. The decision of the Fellowship committee is final.

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